Dentelin Coop Together to the perfect smile
The reason for the changes
Dental center
Individualized approach
About us
Introducing a new generation of dental services.
The efficiency and personalized approach is something we are particularly proud of.
We are your reason to smile.
Our services
Fixed and mobile works
Crowns are placed on previously prepared natural teeth or on implants. There are three basic types of crowns: metal-ceramic crowns, zircon-ceramic crowns, all-ceramic crowns, dental veneers.
Dental fillings, treatments, cleaning and sandblasting
Any changes in the tooth can be a suspicion of tooth decay. If the caries has affected the deeper layers of the tooth, it is very likely that said tooth needs to be treated
All of 4/ All of 6
Periodontal therapy
Implants are replacements of the tooth root. They are placed into the bone and, after installation, the implant is connected to the surrounding bone through the process of osseointegration.
The All-on-4/All-on-6 method involves installing 4/6 dental implants and creating a prosthetic work in 24 hours. During the exam, your doctor will determine if you are a candidate for this procedure .
In some cases, the gums recede, resulting in loosening of the teeth, the appearance of periodontal pockets, and the occasional bleeding gums. Periodontal therapy prevents gum recession or significantly reduces it.
Sinus lift / dental bone augmentation
We use a surgical procedure in which the patient’s bone is harvested or various biomaterials of artificial origin are used when augmentation of a certain region is required.

As a dentists and oral surgery specialists, we always try to provide the best possible service to our patients. Of course, there is no success without a good and educated team. we are particularly proud of our education sector, where we offer young dentists the best possible practice and additional training.

Danijela Komljenović Blitva

Marija Pavličević
Doctor of dentistry

Karlo Gluhačić
Doctor of dentistry

Sanda Stanišić
head dental assistant

Tea Labura Jašarević
dental assistant

Dragana Savić
Innovations – unlimited possibilities

As growth factor stimulation

Laser assisted healing

Bio implant - a possible new generation of implants

Biomechanics - understanding the distribution of masticatory forces

Advantages of early myofunctional therapy

Titanium and titanium alloy

Our partners

Metal ceramic crown or zircon ceramic crown?
Whether you choose a metal or ceramic cubic zirconia crown, you can’t go wrong. Metal ceramic crowns are indicated for larger ranges, they have no transparency, while for smaller ranges, zircon ceramic crowns, which have a higher proportion of transparency, are a better choice. Your doctor will definitely advise you on the best choice.
Are the implants safe?
The implants are safe because they are biocompatible with the human body and do not contain any allergic components. Of course, the patient’s state of health is the main criterion for whether you will be advised to have an implant placed or if you prefer to be offered a mobile option.
Am I a candidate for veneers?
Veneers can be made of ceramic or materials with a softer structure (emax). Both types have a high aesthetic value. If you are a candidate it will certainly be determined during the examination, and the relationship between the upper and lower jaw, the position of the tooth on which the veneer is planned to be placed and the existence of bruxism (teeth grinding), which can be a contraindication for veneers, are the guiding principles.
Am I a candidate for All-on-4 or All-on-6?
To be a candidate for All-on-4 or All-on-6 surgery, you must have healthy bone structure and no inflammatory processes. All causal teeth must be extracted before this surgery in order not to compromise the installation of the implant. A CT scan determines the state of the bone (width and depth), which plays an important role for this type of surgery. The patient must be in good health with no chronic inflammation.