This part is intended for training young dentists and those who want more.
As a company with many years of experience in all areas of dentistry, we want to contribute and
help the younger generation gain work experience as soon as possible.
Practical teaching modules
Our story
Come and meet us
On this page you will get to know the whole team of the Dentelin Coop dental practice.
Each of us brings a new experience that we want to pass on to you.

Doctor of dentistry
Oral surgery specialist
Danijela Komljenovic Blitva

Our program
The goal of our educational program is to enable candidates to perfect the methods of analysis and patient preparation through 3 modules as well as the placement of implants on the patient. Through the optional individualized program (module 3), you work only with a candidate who is also given the opportunity to further improve his knowledge through work with our expert guidance, i.e. with those patients who intend to install a number greater than installations with augmentation.
We would like to point out that even after completing the forms, our team is always at your service for any further questions you may have in your practice. In cooperation with the Bredent Group as a partner in the training program, we offer our candidates the opportunity to transfer knowledge to practice and to gain experience and security in subsequent work.
Patient Information
All patients who voluntarily agree to be part of our educational program, including examination, diagnosis, CBCT imaging, and implants (regardless of the number implanted), receive these services free of charge. The only cost incurred by the patient is for subsequent prosthetic work.
If you would like to apply for our modules, please click on the request link or call us at 052 812 300, mobile 095 591 8040, or visit us at Carera 22A.
Thank you for your trust.

Module 1
10:00—10:45 Introduction to surgery/implantology…

Module 2
9:45—10:30 Repetition/verification of what has been learned from the…

Module 3
9:45—10:30 Incisions in implantology / flap nutrition / what to avoid…