
 is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of irregularities in the position of teeth and jaw. Orthodontic appliances or braces are used to correct these irregularities. Here are some key terms and information about orthodontics:

  1. Orthodontic Appliance: An orthodontic appliance is a device used to correct the irregular position of teeth and jaw. There are two main types of orthodontic appliances: fixed (immovable) appliances consisting of brackets and wires, and removable appliances that can be taken out.
  2. Removable Appliances: Removable appliances are orthodontic devices that can be taken out of the mouth. They are typically used for correcting simpler irregularities, such as issues with shallowly rooted teeth.
  3. Myofunctional Appliances: Myofunctional appliances are used to correct problems with muscles and jaw functions, such as swallowing and speech issues. They can also be either removable or fixed.
  4. Indications: Indications for orthodontics include irregularities in the position of teeth and jaw, such as crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, open bite, deep bite, crossbite, and other bite and tooth appearance issues.
  5. When to Seek Treatment: You should consult an orthodontist if you notice any irregularities in the position of your teeth or if you have difficulties with speech, chewing, or swallowing.
  6. Course and Duration of Treatment: The length and course of treatment depend on the severity of the problem. On average, orthodontic therapy lasts between 18 months and 3 years, but it can be shorter or longer depending on the patient.
  7. Check-ups: During the course of treatment, you will need to regularly visit the orthodontist. During these check-ups, the orthodontist will adjust the orthodontic appliance to achieve the desired result.
  8. Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely important during orthodontic treatment. The brackets and wires of fixed appliances can collect food remnants and bacteria, so thorough brushing of teeth and cleaning of interdental spaces is necessary.

It is important to consult with an orthodontist to receive an individual assessment of your case and a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Orthodontic therapy can significantly improve the aesthetics and functionality of your mouth and jaw.

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