
Extraction of upper and lower jaw teeth. Placement of dental implants and, after an integration period, production of reduced skeletal bars and prostheses.

Metallic ceramic crowns in the upper and lower jaw. The patient had 2 teeth extracted, deep curettage and cleaning of the dental arches; treatment of one tooth and cleaning of carious lesions on 5 teeth.

Metallic ceramic crowns in the upper and lower jaw. Good preparation translates into a good prosthetic restoration.

In the upper jaw, after the placement of 4 dental implants, the patient received a reduced partial denture on rail, which also saw fixations on the implants. At the bottom left, an enviable lateral bridge has been created for the implants.

Zirconia ceramic crown in the upper jaw. Pre-prosthetic preparation included cleaning and curettage around the tooth, treating a root canal, and creating an abutment.

The patient had an upper bridge made with a zirconia base. Due to a more conservative preparation, the patient had provisional teeth worn for a period of 2 months, after which she received the definitive restoration.

Fixed orthodontic therapy. Correction of primary compression in the lower jaw and diastema closure in the upper jaw.

Edentulous upper jaw with built-in implants, and later solved with prosthetic replacement in the form of a crossbar, and maximally reduced skeletal (wironite) prosthesis. Fixed work was done in the lower jaw. The patient was restored to function as well as a satisfied aesthetic moment.
Fixed prosthetic restoration of the upper jaw. The protrusion of the upper front has been successfully corrected through proper grinding to address the initial irregularity that hindered both aesthetic and functional aspects.
Bilateral elevation of the maxillary sinus, implant placement, extractions, endodontic treatment are just some of the therapeutic procedures that were applied during the planning and subsequent implementation of the definitive fixed prosthetic work of the upper and lower jaw.
The patient had been wearing temporary acrylic crowns for several years, made in another clinic. Beneath the crowns, there were numerous treated teeth, as well as teeth that needed extraction, and the patient also had an open bite. After rehabilitation and placement of new temporary teeth, she ultimately received zirconia ceramic crowns in both the upper and lower jaw.
Prosthetic rehabilitation of the upper jaw with metal-ceramic crowns. Several teeth were extracted, and some teeth had to undergo endodontic treatment due to more severe carious lesions. Ultimately, the patient obtained a smile that did not significantly alter her appearance but functionally matched the height she was accustomed to.
Fixed orthodontic therapy of upper and lower jaw. Primary correction and mild open bite resolved through a combination of speech therapy for mild infantile swallowing and orthodontics.
Proposed diastema, slight protrusion of the anterior teeth, and inadequate prosthetic supply for teeth 13, 12, 22.
Closing diastemas and correcting tooth positions with zirconia ceramic crowns.
The patient had an upper reverse overlap and bilateral lateral bridges. After taking an X-ray, we decided to place 12 metal-ceramic crowns in the upper jaw, which also corrected the bite and achieved an overlap that satisfied both aesthetic and functional form.
The patient was dissatisfied with her upper front teeth (the first four crowns) due to excessive changes in aesthetic fillings. She decided to get four new upper crowns. After three visits, the treatment was completed, and the patient was very satisfied with the final outcome.
The patient had worn-down teeth, old fillings, and a few crowns in the upper jaw. A complete restoration was performed, including an upper fixed prosthesis and a lower fixed-removable prosthesis. The patient was functionally and aesthetically satisfied.